Saturday, February 24, 2007

You Know You Go To Southmont High School When...

>>You have to duck under live wires to get to some of your classes

>>If you forget your book at school, no sweat, the doors are NEVER locked

>>If by chance the doors are locked, you can just go through one of the huge construction holes in the wall

>>You disreguard the firealarm 90% of the time

>>Bomb threats are nothing to be surprised about

>>You can go to a 90 degree class one hour then a 60 degree one the next

>>You have a group of friends, but not really a "clique"

>>When walking down the main stairs, you see at least 2 couples making out

>>You hate Walter's classes.. ALL of them

>>You know Barlett's crazy, but great

>>You Know Mrs. Brewer is even crazier.

>>You're on a sports team thats lost at least 8 out of 10 games

>>You're part of the rivalry between show choir and band (You know which ones better!)

>>The teachers yell at you during SSR, "SSR is for READING!", then they take another scoop of pudding...

>>Everyone knows who Colgan is and they hate/pity him

>>You know that Friday is Chicken day at lunch

>>If you say the names Josh, Nathan, or Kyle about 1/2 the guys will turn around

>>Teachers make sure they don't pronounce your name right

>>You've slipped and fallen on your ass at least once out side of the school on the ice

>>You've literally fallen up the stairs at least twice since Jr.High

>>You laugh your ass off everything Mrs.Steiner tries out a new "fashion" [true story, guys! look at those necklaces & belts!]

>>You've got at least 4 nicknames

>>We're the only place that has fatfree food because its "Healthy", however we still have a milkshake machine and icecream cookies that are almost 600 calories a piece

>>We have 2 dances a year

>>You get more days out of school for smoking one cigarette than for getting into a fist fight

>>You get even more days out of school for cussing at a teacher than smoking a cigarette

>>Your bf/gf doesn't go to South

>>One dip in our pool will make your hair be nothing but split ends

>>You can smell the Food class all over school [mmm banana bread!]

>>You've seen/know/heard of the legendary "Ninja Kid" who roams the school

>>Gotta Love Southmont!

<< [or, you know, not.]

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Today, Jamie Cullum is...

Everyday Jamie Cullum ( my favorite artist), or some intern pretending to be him, reports what Jamie is doing that day. Today Jamie Cullum is "loving life." I just recieved the $150.00 worth of cds I ordered from today. I myself am loving life.
For your own Jamie updates, check out
Trust me, he's Mazing!! You won't regret it ;)
P.S. To see some of Jamie Cullums music videos, visit my myspace page at

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Todays fortune cookie said...

You will make many changes before setting satisfactorily. (So very true)

My chinese word for the day: Suan- Chi, it means pickle...

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Why Thanksgiving is just another name for suicide

My Thanksgiving Food Journal

3:08 am- chocolate covered Krispy Kreme doughnut while waiting on Jen to make a sandwhich

3:15 am- Turkey and cheese sandwhich, lays potatoe chips with Jen

11:15 am- Snowman doughnut from last nights Krispy Kreme run

12:00 am-half of the worst double whopper ever created,which wasn't even my order!!

6:00 pm- Turkey, dressing, macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, green bean cassarole, cranberry sauce, corn from heaven, pie and a pumkin role...all fried and as greesy as possible, all mmm good.

Its a wonder I'm not dead...

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Okay, so for those of you out there who like Jazz, get ready for something brand new. His name is Jamie Cullum, and whether you like Jazz, Pop, or Rock, he's got it all. So Check It OUT!!!

Check Check Check... Check It Out! (Note to other bloggers: The moment you start to hit the low of quoting Beastie Boys for you titles..STOP YOURSELF)

Do you love art, sweet potatoe queens, and finding odd aquatic life in your Chinese food (Or maybe you're just tired of reading my same ol' crap...)? Then check this blog out!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Not Wanting To Share

OMG. I'm moving! By June 1st, I will be a resident of Section, Alabama....AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am still in shock. I mean, Ive moved around alot. In fact, the school I'm currently at is lucky number 6! (or maybe 5...maybe its 7...I've lost track) But to be completely honest with you, even though I've moved alot...I'm scared this time. It used to be moving was my my to escape. But here, Ive really made a life for myself., a good one at that! No, make that a great one. I have so many friends. And not just any friends, BEST friends. Especially "the girls". I have three best friends, and over time we've become inseperatable. They are my family. And I'm terrified of not being able to see them everyday. Not necessarily of not making friends when I move, but more of losing friends. What if they forget about me? And what hurts the most is knowing that I wont be there for the moments. The moments they get they hearts broken, the moments they fall in love, the moments that make life what it is. I love those moments. And its hard to imagine sharing those moments with anyone but them. And to tell the truth, I don't want to...

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Does A New Year Have To Mean A New Life?

For those of you who have already read my blog, you may remember my post about the grass being greener on the other side.( Fot those who havn't scroll down. duh) Well, when I was younger, I moved alot. I got used to living in a place for about two years and then moving on to a new town and new school. That was all until 5th grade. I moved here, to this little town in Indiana, and that was it. We have been here for about 6 years now, and I have to say, it the best place I have ever lived. I have the most amazing friends here! Friends that have turned into family. But even with everything so wonderful, I am a dreamer. Constantly thinking of new places with new people and new adventures. Always dreaming of being somewhere else. Thats what we dreamers do. We dream of what we lack. We live there, in our little dream world, going on dream adventures with our dream friends in our dream lives. And when we get tired of that dream, we move onto another. Sounds kinda fun right? Well, Im afraid being a dreamer isnt all its cracked up tp be. I think a dreamers way of life should come with a warning: CAUTION- MAY ACTUALLY COME TRUE!Thats what happened to me. I have spent all my day and years dreaming of being somewhere else, and now it's happening. Im moving. I'm leaving my little town in Indiana for...DRUMROLL PLEASE......a little town in Alabama!! AH! I fear I have mixed feelings about the whole thing. On one hand Im really excited. Not only do I get my new adventure, but I am moving where my family is. Which is amazing and wonderful! But on the other hand, Im leaving my other family, my friends. I know everyone always says that the friends you have when your young never stay the same as your friends when you grow. But I can't imagine my life without them.

I'm in a pickle... I HATE pickles...

No Hablo Espanol!!

dont know how you say FAIL in spanish, but I have a sneaking suspension I am soon to find out. The only things I can actually say in spanish is, "Mi gato es muy grande." which translated means," My cat is very large." I DONT EVEN OWN A CAT! SOS! SOS!!

The Billboard vs The Beef

If you want to see truley pathetic commentary on the ignorance of the news. This morning I saw where people are painting advertisments on the side of cows. Yes my friends, live cows...enough said

P.S. If you weren't lucky enough to see this, don't worry. You can see more examples of stupidity on Bill O'Reilly :)

Apparently, you can put a cost on "free"dom

So, have you ever been on a website and at the top of the screen you see something along the lines of, "WIN A FREE IPOD!" or "WIN A FREE CELL PHONE!"? So you get excited and click on it. Well, as soon as you get to the new site you see, " Win this brand new FREE iPod! Just complete this free survey!" So you think, a small price to pay for a free iPod, right? So you sit there, and sit, and sit, doing this stupid survey that consists of 250 questions and takes up your entire evening. But you keep telling yourself that at the end you will get the prize. So then you finally finish and it says ,"Congratulations!" (you're excited) "You're now eligable for this free iPod!" (you can hardly contain yourself by this point) "just buy any two of these stupid and outragously priced items and its all yours!"...SO MUCH FOR FREE!

Oh, why is it so?

Why? Such a small word and yet such a loaded question. I mean think about it. How many times a day do we ask or wonder why something is the way it is. In one of my classes recently, our teacher gave us an assignment to explain why we ask why. The assignment seemed simple enough. So, of course, I sat down and I thought, and thought, and thought. Eventually I came to a conclusion. Its human nature to ask "why". As humans we have a natural drive to find out how things work and the reasons they occur. We are never satisfied with "because". So after I came to this brilliant conclusion I sat feeling very satisfied with myself, until I was hit with another thought... Why must we know why?

I gave up...

Being The Shadow

Do you ever wish you could escape? Leave the world you live in for just a few moments? I know I do. I mean, don't get me wrong. I am very blessed. Its not like I was abandoned in the jungle and raised by wild boars or anything. I have a great family, a nice house, and friends every person dreams of. All in all my life is pretty great! But like many of you out there, I can't help but be intriqued by the unknown. A kind of Billy Goats Gruff Syndrom, if you will. The grass is always greener on the other side. Thats why I love to read.I love books. I love everything about them. The feeling of the cover, the smell of the pages, but most of all, I love what those simple peices of paper contain. The story. Because for me, that story helps something magical to happen. I forget. I forget my problems, my worries, and even at times who I am. My insecurities fly away as I become emerged in the story. And as I read on, "I become the characters invisible aquaintance. A secret shadowy figure that lurks silently in the background, looking in on their life. Living it along with them."( Jemima J. Sonya Sones) But I guess thats when reading becomes dangerous for me. I become so immersed in their story, I forget mine. True, my character might not be glamorous or beautiful. Shes not a genious, or a prodogy. My characters not the school nerd or the creepy kid that sits in the back of the cafeteria carving the face of Weird Al in her bologna. But I owe it to my character to not forget about her. I owe it to my character to let her story unfold. Because shes me. And that, my fellow bloggers, is why Im here.

In The Beginning

In the beginning things are simple. Take life for example. When we are born we need the following: food, shelter, air. I mean, come on, we don't even care if we crap our pants! But as time goes on, things become more complicated. We start obsessing with things like hair, clothes, money, weight. We begin asking ourselves questions such as, "Am I pretty?", "Am I smart?", and the ever popular,"Does my butt look fat in these jeans?"And here, my new friends, is the funny part...most of us don't even really care! But we think that others care. We become so fixated on what others think of us, we soon loose track of what we think of ourselves. And soon after that, we start to confuse what we need with what we want. We "need" the latest fashions, makeup to cover what we actually look like, the new ipod the "everyone" has, even the $85.00 haircut that will one day leave us looking back at the pictures and saying, "What the hell was I thinking?" What happened to the good ol' days when life was so simple?

So here's the question of the day kids: Is life becoming more complicated? Or are we?